CALL US 07 4636 9000

CALL US 07 4636 9000
CALL US 07 4636 9000
City Cellars Bottleshop is currently open:
Monday to Sunday 9am to midnight!
Pop in for your favourite take away drinks or check out
our monthly specials while they are available!
City Cellars is conveniently located right beside our Reception desk and is available for members and guests seven
days a week, from 9am until midnight.
Whilst we may not be the largest bottle shop in Toowoomba, we do pride ourselves on the vast selection of beer, wine
and spirits we have available and the low prices we can offer our patrons.
Members accrue points with every purchase, and with our low prices and seasonal specials, why would you shop
anywhere else.
Monday to Sunday – 9am to Midnight